Isnin, 14 Disember 2009

The Handbag Addiction Starts Early With a Felt Purse


If your little girl wants to be just like Mommy and the big girls with her own purse, this is a creative way to give in without actually spending money on expensive accessories for a pint-sized clothes horse. It could easily be made as a pouch or satchel for a boy as well.


Crafts Materials That You Will Need:

One full sheet of felt or scraps to equal two half sheets
Hole punch (if you don’t have a new and well working hole punch this could be a painstaking process)
At least 3 feet of ribbon (I repurposed ribbon from a gift)
A button about the size of a quarter with large holes
A pipe cleaner


1. Cut your felt so you have two half sheets. Then, fold one sheet 1/3 of the way down and cut off the top third. (See next photo.)


2. Line up pieces of felt and evenly punch five holes in the side and two on the bottom of both pieces. Then punch two more holes at top center of the shorter piece for your button.


3. Cut the top of the longer piece into a flap for your purse.


4. Thread your button with a 3″ piece of pipe cleaner, twist to secure. Thread it through the holes you punched in the middle of the top of the shorter piece of felt, twist to secure, and cut off excess.


5. Thread ribbon through holes in purse as you would if you were sewing.


6. cut a slit into your flap for the button hole and voila!

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